Friday, December 21, 2007

GCE Elevator repaired

We made the corrections and got the GCE working safely. We found another safety left disconnected. Both Car gate safeties were not operational. We corrected the slack rope safety and connected the gate safeties, made rope adjustments, installed the missing slack rope switch and wired it in as designed.

After many adjustments to get a good ride and consistant ride, we turned over a working elevator. We will be doing follow up visits to assure the unit is in good working order.

No matter how much your company name and website say that you are residential elevator experts, you are still Amatures if your units are not safe!

Buyers Be Aware! Not everyone who claims to know elevators really does!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Elevators are just parts

We Americans are truly ingenious. We fix our own cars, program our own computers, design our own houses. Why can't we just design and build our own elevator? I have seen some very excellent concept elevators made from garage door openers, forklift masts & Screw jacks.

We go to engineering school to learn applied hydraulics or electrical system design. Then 20 years later we begin to build our dream home and think that our vast knowledge of engineering certifies us to build our personal home elevator.

While there have been successful attempts at this science project and the applied science is good, the practical applications are missing some very crucial concepts that we in the industry take for granted.


I asked a would be elevator expert today if he had a line rupture valve on his project. He kept saying he had seen other units and his was much safer. The answer was devoid of real understanding. "It will just slowly drop down".

I know his understanding of reaction = opposite reaction may not be felt till his knees buckle as the cab slams into concrete. But it will have worked for some time and he will have only spent 120 hours finding all the parts, 60 hours troubleshooting why his first unit would not stop at the top floor and put a hole in the roof, 40 hours making the call button light stay on when pushed, 200 hours making the cab pretty and 5 minutes to consider what he will say to his son when his grandchild is caught between the 8 inch space between the car and the hoistway door.

Take time to consider your family's safety over your educational pride.