Having been in this industry for 20 years, little amazes me. This one did. I was called by a builder in Branson, Missouri who had an elevator installed by a company who advertises that they are "Residential Elevator Professionals". The elevator was roped hydraulic assembled by GCE from a montage of elevator components. The GCE unit looks very solid, but the installation was neither complete or professional.
In the photos attached are the slack rope safety and the door interlock. The slack rope safety has a plastic zip tie securing it to the mounting bracket so that it was rendered inoperable.
Even had the zip tie been omitted, there was not an electric switch to shut off the unit in a slack condition.
The door lock was mounted upside down so the solenoid operates in the downward/ gravity direction with a spring to push the lock up into the locked position. The stranger part on the lock installation was the lack of emergency lunar key holes in the doors. We were able to jumper the lock solenoid to open the door, but a home owner trapped in the elevator could not be removed by emergency crews without distroying the door lock.

Easy to advertise but hard to execute well. Problem is for every job like this that is not inpsected correctly before being turned over the homeowner causes all our ins. rates to rise and gives our industry another black eye.
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